First Entry on our New Blog
- Posted on
- By Daniel Robinette
- Posted in Appraisals, Jewelry, Jewelry Repair
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This is a little something new we are going to try here at Robinette Jewelers to help give our customers some information from time to time on different subjects related to our business and what we offer.
While some of you readers are very familiar with our store, some of you may just be discovering us and I'd like to take the time to welcome you. We are a family run store that has been operating in Seneca Falls, NY for 77 years and was founded by George S. Robinette. Today it is run by George's son Mark Robinette and you may see 3rd and 4th generations of the family working there from day to day.
We try to be a complete Jeweler for all your needs whether it be a purchase, a repair, and appraisal or just looking to get information, our knowledgeable staff is here to help. With over 100+ years of cumulative experience in sales and service we hope to make you a very happy customer.
Online we are working to continually add to our online store's inventory so that you can get a close to an instore experience as possible. Our goal is to offer what we have instore to everyone online for your convenient shopping needs 24/7.
Instore we are able to offer customers in-house repair services, appraisals and watch services. We have two in store jewelers, one GIA Diamonds Graduate, and one GIA Graduate Gemologist to help service your needs. Whether you need a chain repair, a ring sizing, a watch battery, a pearl restringing, or any other service we are sure to be able to help you as quickly as possible.
So in short if you have a need for a piece of jewelry or need a repair we hope you come by and see us.
Sorry for the late reply, but yes we do appraise jewelry. If you are looking for a written insurance replacement appraisal or an estate appraisal there is a charge based on the amount of time it will take. If it is a single stone ring the charge is $85. If the jewelry is more complex or multiple pieces it runs $100/hour. We do purchase jewelry from customers if we are interested at that point we would give you an offer. If it is something we are not interested in we will not give a monetary value to it.
Do you appraise diamond rings? Is there a charge and do you purchase rings from customers? Thank you.
Every time I return to my home town my daughter and I head directly to Robinette's to have our diamonds cleaned and repaired. Mark is exceptional and deserves to be acknowledged for his commitment to excellence. See you in December!!!!!!!!!